How will travel to Frankfurt change after Britain exits EU?

After four long years, the British Empire is finally leaving the EU in 2020. This has been made possible due to a deal named Brexit. It is a contract that takes care that the interests of both sides are not affected. Therefore, if you are planning a trip to the glorious Frankfurt, Germany this holiday season, you should take into consideration the effects of the new secession of the United Kingdom. The UK has been part of the European Union since 1973. During the course of the past half-century, the political, cultural, and economic policy of the UK has been affected by this merger a great deal. The biggest concern of the travelers is to ascertain if they are eligible for travel in the EU countries without a VISA? Here are some of the most important aspects that a holiday’s planner must take into consideration:

Making a Traveler’s Guide:

  1. Until the new ETIAS visa-free program becomes effective in 2022, the travelers would have to do with the old visa system and they can still roam about Europe without any visa.
  2. The value of the pound is going to see a significant drop. This currency dive means that the UK residents would have to spend more money and set aside a bigger traveling budget.
  3. According to the current laws the UK travelers would not have to get an international driving license if they wish to drive in the outside areas.
  4. The residents of the UK would have to go through a lot more paperwork in comparison to the older days. The new transition of travel laws would require the filing of reports and applications for new approvals.
  5. The people for the time being are eligible for traveling without a new visa. However, the UK government advice that travelers must have 10 years old Visa with at least 6 months left from its expiration date.
  6. The Flights to and fro from the destination are going to cost a lot more now. After Brexit, UK travelers cannot avail themselves of the discount packages for EU residents.
  7. The travelers would be able to use cellular services in the entire EU without any obstacles. The biggest network service providers in the EU have promised that they would keep the charges the same. However, according to the laws they have the freedom to change their policies at any given time.
  8. The Traveler’s Insurance or EHIC is still going to remain operational. If your registration has been expired it cannot be renewed. However, people would be able to get a temporary extension until new systems are set up in place.
  9. The UK residents would be able to travel to most EU countries without a VISA within a 90 days period.
  10. It is best to sign up for your holidays with an Association of British Travel Agents or ABTA.

For all the European Nationals living in the UK or outside, it is important to know the rules and regulations.